How was the solar system created?

 How was the solar system created?

  Friends, since childhood, we read about the solar system in science books and geography books. Most of the time our textbooks don’t cover much about the solar system. Only the sun and the horses around it are written a little about each planet. But is the solar system really so small that one can learn everything about it by reading a text book? So friends, don’t know about the solar system –  Friends, our solar system was formed about 500 million years ago. First of all, the sun was created in our solar system and after that, other planets of our solar system started to be created. In this solar system, we have – Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and hundreds of billions of comets which are moving around the sun. Our sun pulls each object towards itself through its gravitational force, so they follow their specific path around the sun.

  Sun – The largest object in the solar system is the Sun. These planets-meteorites of ours have been created by the sun. The Sun occupies about 99.9° of the solar system’s mass. Our Sun is a giant ball of gas. Of which hydrogen and helium are located in excess.

 How does the sun create its energy?

In the Sun we know that excess amounts of hydrogen and helium are present. The sun creates its energy through a process called usKnown as ‘Nuclear fusion’. In this process, all the hydrogen atoms are converted into helium, resulting in an infinite amount of energy. There is so much hydrogen in the Sun that the Sun is also called a giant hydrogen sphere.

Planets around the Sun –

  Friends, the present number of planets in our solar system is 8, but once the total number of planets in our solar system was 9. Let’s know the relationship of these eight planets located in our solar system. –

1. Mercury –

 Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest planet in our solar system. The distance of this planet from our earth is 7 crore 70 lakh kilometers. It takes 1,408 hours to complete one rotation around its axis. This planet is the closest to our Sun but is still the second hottest planet in the Solar System. Mercury is the last to be examined by us humans and it is very strange. Because Mercury is very raw compared to all the gas joints of our earth. It took a little longer to send our spacecraft to Mercury, even with it being so close to us. On 20 July 1969, humans first set foot on the lunar soil. But as you know, at that time, even though we were able to set foot on the lunar soil, there was no accurate calculation of how to reach the orbit of Mercury. Due to being so close to Earth, Neptune is the largest in our solar systemThe outermost and best planet in the solar system, we sent spacecraft up to, but then we had no accurate calculations to reach the orbit of Mercury, which is about 55% closer to Neptune. The sun-burnt asteroid is about 5.89 lakh kilometers from the Sun. Our Earth is about 14,960,000 km from the Sun, more than twice the distance between the Sun and Mercury. The existence of Mercury is also found in the ancient Babylonian civilization. The ancient Babylonians named it ‘Nabu’ which was the messenger of a Babylonian god. Our ancient Indian texts refer to the existence of Mercury. In Hindu mythology the planet Mercury is known as Mercury. In Hindu scriptures, the planet Mercury was considered as Lord Mercury. Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system and its orbital path is also the shortest of all the planets, meaning that a year on Mercury is shorter than a year on all other planets. A year on Mercury is equal to 88 Earth days, but the strangest thing about this planet is its day. Mercury rotates very slowly around its axis, so its day is longer than a year. One day on Mercury is equal to 1 day on Earth, meaning one day is longer than two years. Before 1974 we had no accurate calculations of its reaching orbit. The main reasons for this were (1) its small size and (2) its short distance from the Sun. As a result, it was a bit difficult to approach. Getting into the orbit of any particle is very difficult which requires exact angles, sprites and calculations. If everything is right then the orbit of that object can be reached and if even a little bit wrong then we can miss our target. For this, before any mission, with the help of mathematical calculations so that we can reach there precisely. To get to the outer planets of our solar system, our spacecraft have to go in the opposite direction from the Sun, that is, against the gravitational pull of our Sun, where the spacecraft’s propellers increase the speed of the spacecraft. But when we enter the orbit of Mercury, the Sun accelerates the spacecraft many times more through its gravitational force and if we do not calculate properly here, our spacecraft will miss Mercury very easily.3 Nov 1973 ‘Mariner 10’ is now a robotic spacecraft launched by ‘NASA’. Its main task was to fly over the planets Bhuta and Venus. ‘Mariner 10’ is steered by the gravity of Venus. So that he can go towards Mercury. Because it was a flyby mission, not much was known about Mercury. We are only 45% of Mercury on this mission. I was able to raid part of it. But with the help of ‘Mariner 10’, we first saw the land of Mercury from whom and also mapped the land of Mercury. The land of Mercury is exactly the same as the land of our moon. If you ever land on Mercury, you’ll feel like you’ve landed on the moon. But you’ll never be able to land on its surface because its surface temperature is 430°C during the day and drops to 180°C at night. With Mariner 10, we learned a lot about Mercury, but we didn’t have much information to send back. For this, on 3 August 2004, ‘MESSENGER’ spacecraft was sent into space with the help of ‘Delta 2’ rocket. ‘MESSENGER’ ie ‘MERcury Surface, Space ENviroment, GEochemistry, and Ranging’. ‘MESSENGER’ was the first major mission to Mercury. On 18 March 2011 ‘MESSENGER’ spacecraft successfully reached the orbit of Mercury and completed its original mission till 2012. But even after that, the MESSENGER spacecraft had a lot of fuel left, so the test was extended twice more. Finally on 30 April 2015 this spacecraft will land on MercuryIt collided with and ended its mission. Through the ‘MESSENGER’ spacecraft we have mapped more than 90% of the surface of Mercury and we have learned many things that have surprised scientists. We found out that the center of Mercury is much bigger than its size which is very surprising. Such a small planet cannot have such a large center, so scientists hypothesized that Mercury had a very large shape at first but was later covered by a large object and lost most of its parts. Mercury also has its own atmosphere, which is very thin, and Mercury also has its own magnetic field. But its electromagnetic field is not strong enough to block the solar radiation coming from the Sun, and as a result Mercury is always covered in colorful ‘Aurora’. Solar radiation from the Sun is constantly burning the sodium gas in Mercury’s atmosphere. Mercury and Venus are also called Morning and Evening Stars. Yes we know that these two planets are not actually planets but before sunrise and after sunset we can see these two planets in the sky and that is why they got this name. By examining Mercury we can learn a lot about the formation of the solar system. Introduction Craters on Mercury provide information on the formation of our solar system. And ‘Bepi Colombo’ spacecraft was sent into space on 20 Oct 2018 to examine Mercury properly. This is a joint experiment of the European Space Agency or ‘ESA’ and the Japanese Agency or ‘JAXA’. ‘Bepi colombo’ Space Knows actually has two satellites -(1) MPO-Mercury Planetary Orbiter and (2) MMO-Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter According to scientists this spacecraft will enter Mercury’s atmosphere till Dec 2025 and both the spacecraft will enter Mercury’s atmosphere and do their own work. will start Although Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, its thin atmosphere cannot retain all of the Sun’s temperature, while Venus’ thick carbon dioxide atmosphere traps most of the heat from the Sun. As a result, Venus is the hottest planet despite being the second planet from the Sun. By the end of 2025 ‘Bepi Colombo’ spacecraft will enter Mercury’s atmosphere and give us more precise details about Mercury.

2. Venus (Venus) –

 Friends are known as the hottest in our solar system and the twin sister of the earth. The distance of Venus from Sun is 1080 lakh km. It takes 5,832 hours to rotate once around its axis. The planet ‘Venus’ is no less than a hell for us humans or any other living being because the temperature here is many times higher than Earth’s and the atmospheric pressure here is so many times higher than Earth’s if you Stay here for even 1 second and you will die instantly. Can you ever imagine that there was a time when there was life in this hellish planet. It is not just a fantasy. Billions of years ago Venus had the same conditions as the Earth. Even there was an ocean of liquid water and such. Venus has been present for some few years if not for 300 billion years Now you must be wondering how can liquid water exist in this hellish atmosphere of Venus and how can life exist there and if ever Venus was like Earth then all its Where did the water go in the present day and what happened to make the atmosphere of Venus so toxic? The atmospheric temperature and atmospheric composition of Venus today surprise us. The temperature is so hot that it can melt a metal as hard as iron in a few minutes, while the atmosphere on the other side is almost entirely filled with carbon dioxide, and some nitrogen gas can be seen. NitrogenThere is gas and the remaining 1% is helium gas. The main thing to note here is how water could have existed here in spite of such a terrible climate. To know about this phenomenon, we have to go back about three and a half million years. In the meantime, scientists have found out through an experiment that three million years ago, Venus was in the same condition as our earth. For that, scientists on Friday took a good look at the topography and through the hypothetical concept, it was known that Venus was once like Earth, and if you do not know that What is topography? In simple words, topography is the physical study of any object, like the soil there, the weather there, whether there are mountains there, etc. Scientists, after doing the topography of Venus for six to seven months, came to the conclusion that about 300 million years ago, there were many big oceans on Venus and there were many huge volcanoes and even there may have been some form of life, but the biggest point in their experiments was that Venus is second to the sun. It means that it receives so much heat that it cannot allow liquid water to remain liquid in its own state. According to the data, about four and a half billion years ago when Venus was formed, its atmosphere may have had a large amount of carbon dioxide, which did not allow the climate here to stabilize in any way. But one of the good points on Venus was that there were many stones that were able to store a large amount of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases in itself, so somehow the carbon dioxide on the planet of Venus was somehow captured in the rocks of Venus. Was water. There are many hypotheses that say how water came to Venus, but the most reliable hypothesis is the one that is applied to our earth. Some meteorites from outer space absorb water into themselves and bring water to Earth in the same way that water came to Venus. Therefore, it is assumed that the production of oxygen and in some way was fixed here, then those three main elements for the production of life were present on Venus and according to ‘According to General concept of Evolution of Life’, this is the metal where any life starts in the form of bacteria and with each step, it continues to develop. According to scientists, life on Venus started from ‘Unicellular Organisms’ and in some ways reached ‘Multicellular Organisms’ and before that, this question was asked here. What happened to the planet that is responsible for this life, that it turned into hell, the planet where life started to develop first from Earth, how all life was destroyed, scientists think that about 750 million years ago, an event took place on Venus that changed the entire scenario here and this event was named ‘THE GREAT GREEN HOUSE EFFECT’ According to Suri, an event took place in Venus about 750 million years ago, through which All the carbon dioxide present in the rocks of the planet Mars gradually enters the atmosphere of Venus and destroys the balance of the atmosphere of Venus. There are five reasons for this debris, but the main one is the ‘Mars volcanic eruption’. Friends, you have all heard the ‘Cretaceous Tertiary Extinction’ many times. But do you know that a total of five such events have occurred in the world, and the largest of the five was ‘The Great Dying’.It happened about 25 million years ago and is believed to have occurred during the formation of the Siberian Truck in Russia, which was followed by massive volcanic eruptions that lasted for 30 million years. During this time, hot clouds from the Earth’s chest burst into the Earth’s surface and absorbed large amounts of carbon dioxide gas, causing the Earth’s temperature to rise by 8°C, the sea water to become completely acidic, and the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to continue to rise. 81% of ‘Marine Species’ and 70% of ‘Terrestrial Species’ have completely disappeared from this you understand how terrible ‘THE GREAT GREEN HOUSE EFFECT’ was on Venus. ‘NASA’ some artificial satellites have observed some living volcanoes on the ground of Venus and there are also some great volcanoes. Which comes alive again after a few years. Millions of years are a very long time for us, but if we look at the universe, millions of years are not even a second to the universe. Due to the eruption of twelve volcanoes on Venus, such heat and destruction are caused, and as a result, the carbon dioxide present in the rocks of Venus is released into the atmosphere of Venus, which completely destroys the weather and atmosphere of Venus. As a result, where there was a nice breathing atmosphere, it was impossible for any life to survive and we all know how carbon dioxide helps to increase the temperature, which makes the condition of Venus worse than bad. To summarize the whole incident, it can be said that about four and a half billion years ago, Venus was like Earth, but the amount of carbon dioxide was too high, so that life could not survive here.

3. Earth (Earth)-

 which is the home of all the animals we know. Its distance from the sun is 15 crore km. Its age is one-third of the age of the universe and it is the most beautiful place in the universe. There are big green forests, calm rivers, high mountains, blue oceans. It orbits a star that keeps us warm and gives us energy. But let’s find out how it originated and what it is made of. 460 million years ago, the Earth was formed by large rocks in the solar system that were connected to each other by gravity. These pieces of rock battled with each other to form a much larger object that we call a planet today. This process takes about 10 to 20 million years. At this time the world was very hot. At this time a huge object that was the shape of Mars collided with the Earth and as a result, many parts of the Earth were scattered into the Earth’s orbit and began to circle the Earth. Those fragments joined together to form our moon. During this time the earth was very hot and with this there were frequent meteorite strikes. At this time Earth had only seas of hot lava and a toxic climate. But these were going to change now as the global warming gradually decreased. The water present in the earth continued to come to the surface of the earth. This water came to Earth through a meteorite impacting the Earth. Then, as a result of the hot temperature of the earth, those waters of the earth evaporate and rise above the earth and form clouds on the earth. Rain fell from these clouds and gradually the temperature of the earth also decreased. Currently 71% of the Earth is covered by water and 21% by land. 97.5% of this water is salt water and 2.5% is fresh water. 69% of this fresh water is in the form of ice and 30% is present underground and only 1% is above our land. But most of this 1% water is in the form of ice in the mountains and less for us is water in ponds, rivers. Now when it was raining on the earth, the temperature of the earth was gradually lower and big seas were being formed on the earth. The tectonic plates inside the earth moved and these tectonic plates stuck to each other creating big mountains and big craters were created for the tectonic plates to move away from each other. Because of this, the world’s highest mountain ‘Mount Everest’ and the deepest hole ‘Mariana Trench’ were created. The uppermost part of the Earth which we call ‘Crust’ is about 50 km long. After ‘Crust’ comes ‘Mantle’ which is about 2900 km long. Another is the thickest layer on Earth. ‘Mantle’ is divided into two parts, ‘Upper Mantle’ and ‘Lower Mantle’. Next comes the ‘Outer Core’ which is about 2266 km wide. The ‘Outer Core’ is composed of iron and nickel and the temperature here ranges from about 4000-5700°C. And next lies the ‘Inner Core’, which is composed of nickel and iron. It is 1200 km long and 70% of the size of the Moon. The temperature here is 5700°. Now let’s go to the land of the earth. Above the earth’s land is a thick layer of air called the atmosphere. The atmosphere is divided into many layers. The atmosphere consists of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon-carbon and .1% other gases. We humans and other animals live in the lowest layer of this atmosphere called ‘Troposphere’, which extends up to 12 km. Above it lies the ‘Tratosphere’, within which lies the ‘Ozone Layer,’ which protects us from the sun’s harmful rays. It extends up to 30 km. Above it lies the ‘Mesosphere’ which is the coldest place on Earth. The temperature here goes up to -85°C. Opposite it is the ‘Thermosphere’, which starts at an altitude of 80 km. Above it, at an altitude of 100 km, the space begins, here the earth ends and the space begins. Before that, we go to the ‘Ionosphere’, and even before that, we find the outermost end of the atmosphere, the ‘Exosphere’, which is up to 10,000 km. The atmosphere of this place is very thin and almost equal to NO. Humans have been on earth for 200,000 years which is 0.004% of the age of the earth which is very less. Ours is the only world in the entire solar system that has life on it. We are very lucky indeed – this planet is our home and we live here.


 Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun which we know as the red planet. The distance from the Sun to Mars is 22 million 80 million kilometers. feeling Mars takes 1 year 88 days to orbit the Sun once and it takes 25 hours to rotate once around its axis. Mars has a very high iron oxide content, which is why Mars looks red. Mars has two natural satellites named (1) Phobos, (2) Deimos. According to scientists, these two moons are actually meteorites that were later pulled around by the gravitational pull of Mars. It is the only planet in the solar system on which humans have conducted the most experiments and sent many probes. This planet was once like Earth. But due to lack of good magnetic field, this planet is slowly destroyed. China sent a spacecraft named ‘MARS 2’ to this planet for the first time in 1971. The spacecraft that have been sent here till date are -(1) ‘MARS 3’-1971,(2) ‘MARS 6’-1973,(3) ‘VIKING 1’-1976,(4) ‘VIKING 2’-1976,5) ‘PATHFINDER’-1997,(6) ‘MARS POLARLANDER’-1999,(7) ‘BEAGLE 2’-2003,(8) ‘SPIRIT’-2004,(9) ‘OPPORTUNITY’-2004,(10)’PHOENIX’-2008,(11) ‘CURIOSITY’-2012,(12)’SCHIAPARELLI EDM’-2016,(13) ‘INSIGHT’-2018,(14) ‘PERSEVERANCE’-2021,(15) ‘TIANWEN 1’-2021  Within this planet is the largest mountain in the solar system ‘Olympus mons’ with a height of 22,500 m

5. Jupiter –

 The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter. It is located about 78 million kilometers from the Sun. This planet takes 11 years and 86 days of Earth’s time to orbit the Sun once. It takes 10 hours to complete one revolution around its axis. Currently, a total of 79 satellites have been discovered. It has the strongest magnetic field of all the planets. Jupiter is also called the big brother of the Earth because the Jupiter Cave protects the Earth by pulling all the large meteorites towards it through its gravitational force. In 1989, the Galileo spacecraft was sent to explore the planet. Jupiter’s clouds are colorful and beautiful, but don’t be fooled by their colors. These clouds are as beautiful as they are terrifying. The Galileo spacecraft reached its destination in 1995 after its six-year journey. The Galileo spacecraft was divided into two parts, (i) Jupiter Atmospheric Probe and (ii) Jupite Orbitar. Jupiter Atmospheric Probe- It was made of solid titania. Its task was to study the atmosphere of Jupiter. Jupiter Orbitar- It had many antennas and its main task was to orbit Jupiter. 7 December 1995, ‘Jupiter Atmospheric Probe’ spacecraft’. Jupiter’s gravity was pulling him at a speed of about 162 thousand kilometers per hour. But our scientist was prepared for it first. Moments later, the spacecraft’s parachute opened and it slowly entered Jupiter’s atmosphere. The spacecraft was sending all the messages from there to the Galileo spacecraft, and the Galileo spacecraft was sending all the messages from there to Earth. When this probe reached the atmosphere on Jupiter, it was found that the atmosphere was not at all like that of Earth. The upper atmosphere here was covered by thick clouds. Jupiter’s atmosphere is like a dense lava chamber. Jupiter’s thick clouds are not made of the same material, but of different materials such as ammonia, sulphide and H2O. Jupiter also has clouds made up of water and it rains here, but the water evaporates from the heat before it reaches the land of Jupiter and rises again. As the spacecraft slowly penetrated deeper into Jupiter, the pressure and temperature increased. As we go a little deeper, all the clouds in the upper atmosphere clear and then comes the clear empty sky where it rains all the time. If you look up at the top of Jupiter’s atmosphere, you’ll see storm clouds moving around all the time. This upper cloud is composed of ammonia that flows in opposite directions in “zonal bands” parallel to Jupiter’s Tropic of Cancer. This jade girl is called jet and comes in different colors. Dark colored clouds are called ‘Belts’ and light colored clouds are called ‘Zones’. But ‘Jupiter Atmospheric Probe’ could not go deeper. After about 156 km we did not find any solid ground and after that distance our spacecraft went out of control. 58 minutes after the signal was broken, the temperature in the depths increased so much that all parts of the spacecraft began to melt. As the spacecraft falls, it merges with the clouds of Jupiter, but before the spacecraft is destroyed, it gives us a lot of important information. Jupiter’s wind speed is very high. While scientists estimate that its wind speed may be 350 km per hour, its actual wind speed is 360-600 km per hour. With the help of ‘Galileo spacecraft’ we only got to know a small part of Jupiter but we wanted to know more deeply so in 2011 ‘Juno’ spacecraft was sent into space. The main task of which was to know about Jupiter’s composition, gravity field, magnetic field, polar magnetosphere. On 5 July 2016 ‘Juno’ successfully entered Jupiter’s gravity and began its mission. With ‘Juno’ we got a closer look at Jupiter. The data from the Juno mission dispelled many of the misconceptions scientists had. Through this spacecraft we found out that there is no solid land on Jupiter at all. But inside it is not empty at all. Inside it begins a liquid core as its atmosphere ends. The temperature of Jupiter’s liquid core is 9,700°C and the pressure is so high that the hydrogen atom breaks from its normal state into a special state we call ‘Metallic Hydrogen’. This form of hydrogen acts as an electrical conductor and Jupiter’s ‘Metallic Hydrogen’ creates Jupiter’s massive magnetic field. Due to the high speed of rotation of Jupiter, solid land could never form on it. But scientists believe that beneath Jupiter’s ‘Metallic Hydrogen’ core lies a solid core made of rock and ice that can reach temperatures of around 700°C. Jupiter is the largest and strangest planet in our solar system and Jupiter has always protected us.

7. Uranus (Uranus) – 

The third largest planet in the solar system is Uranus. It is located at a distance of 287 crore 10 lakh kilometers from the Sun. A total of 27 satellites have been discovered at present. It takes 17 hours to make one revolution around its axis and 84.01 years to make one revolution around the Sun. Now let’s know friends about the history of this planet, Uranus can be seen with the naked eye. But because of its very low light, scientists of the past thought it was what they saw. Sir ‘William Herschel’ was the first person to discover it as a planet. ‘William Herschel’ discovered the planet Uranus on March 13, 1781 and thus Uranus became the first planet to be discovered with the help of a telescope. Uranus is a planet whose name is taken directly from Greek mythology, from ‘Ouranos’, the god of the sky. This planet is 25,362 kilometers in length, which means it is four times wider than our Earth. It is the second least dense planet in the solar system in terms of density. The blue-green color we see in Uranus is due to methane gas present in Uranus’ atmosphere. Methane gas is radiation from the sun It does not absorb all red light and reflects green and blue light. So we see Uranus as blue-green. These two planets Uranus and Neptune are also known as ‘Ice Giant’ in our solar system. Uranus is the only planet in our solar system whose equator lies at an angle of 90°. Its poles are at an angle of about 97.77°. Scientists attribute this to a past collision of an Earth-sized planet with Uranus. Because Uranus is so tilted, we can also see extra seasons on this planet. Because of this tilt, its two poles are located in the equatorial region, which causes the sun’s rays to fall more on the two poles, so that a full day and night at the equator are 17 hours long, but this period at its poles is increased. During this time one of its poles faces the sunlight for 42 consecutive years and the other pole remains in darkness for 42 consecutive years. Uranus also has hydrogen and helium, but most of this planet has ammonia, methane, ice and water, and because these data are in large quantities, Uranus is called the ‘Ice Giant’ planet. The minimum temperature here is also -224.2° Celsius which has the ability to freeze any person instantly. In some regions it is colder than Neptune. The uppermost clouds of Uranus are made of methane gas, scientists believe that water can be found in Uranus’ clouds below, while its core is made of ice and rock. Winds on the planet have been measured at up to 900 kilometers per hour. In the solar system, Uranus also falls between those two planets that are in opposite houses. In our solar system, Uranus and Venus rotate from east to west. Like Saturn, Uranus also has a ring system. The ring system of Uranus is divided into two parts – ‘Inner Ring’ and ‘Outer Rings’. Uranus’s ‘Inner Ring’ is divided into nine parts and is dark brown in color and it has two ‘Outer Rings’. The inner ‘Outer Rings’ are red and the outer ‘Outer Rings’ are blue. Its rings are named – Zeta, 6, 5, 4, Alpha, Beta, Eta, Gamma, Delta, Lambdu, Epsilon, Nu and Mu. Scientists believe that the inner moons of Uranus are made of ice and rock. Scientists don’t know exactly what the outer satellites are made of. Uranus’s magnetic field is also very strange, the magnetic access of the planet Uranus is tilted up to 60° from the planet’s own access. The formation of Uranus is thought to have started about 450 million years ago when dust and gas collided with each other through gravity to form the planet. Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft to fly past Uranus. Voyager 2 passed by Uranus in 1986. ‘Voyager 2’ carried out many experiments on this planet and told scientists that Uranus is a very quiet planet. Uranus is much calmer than all the other ‘Gas Giant’ planets as it is windy and stormy.

8.Neptune (Neptune) –

 Friends, we have come to know about all the planets next to the planet Neptune. This planet is farthest from the Sun. Its distance from the Sun is 453 million km. This planet takes 164.79 years to orbit the Sun once. In 2011, Neptune completed its one year, that is, since Neptune was found, Neptune completed one full orbit around the Sun. It does not take 16 hours to go around once. Currently 14 of its satellites have been discovered. Neptune is the fourth largest planet in the Solar System in terms of shape. Neptune has a diameter of 49,244 km and is the third heaviest and densest planet in the Solar System. The planet Neptune is about 17 times more massive than our Earth. While Uranus is slightly larger than Neptune in length, Neptune is heavier than Uranus in terms of mass. It takes 249.01 minutes for light from the Sun to reach this planet, which is about four hours. The planet Neptune gets its name from the Roman sea god. Neptune is the only planet in the solar system that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Therefore, Neptune was the first planet to be discovered through mathematical calculations. ‘Alexis Bouvard’ saw the planet Uranus well and understood that there is something on the side of the planet Uranus, which is influencing the movement of the planet Uranus. He was the first to imagine that there could be an eighth planet in the solar system. But the credit for finding Neptune does not go to Alexis Bouvard, he only guessed. Many older sources also believe that on December 28, 1612 and January 27, 1613, Galileo made some pictures of the solar system with his telescope that included many points where Neptune is today. The original discoverers of Neptune were ‘Johann Galle’ and ‘Urbain Le Verrier’. Only one spacecraft has reached this planet till date and that is ‘Voyager 2’. On August 25, 1989, the spacecraft passed by the planet Neptune. Neptune is tilted about 28° off its axis, much like Earth and Mars. So scientists think that Neptune’s seasons are similar to Earth’s. According to scientists, the planet has a season of 40 or more years. Neptune is mostly made of hot and less dense icy material, while its core may be rocky. Many scientists also think that a warm water ocean may exist beneath Neptune’s cold clouds. If anywhere in the solar system the fastest wind blows, it is Neptune. Speeds have been measured up to 2000 kilometers per hour, which is three times faster than the wind on Jupiter and nine times faster than Earth. Neptune’s atmosphere is made up of hydrogen and helium like all other ‘Giant’ planets, whereas we see methane in abundance. Neptune’s lowest temperature has been measured at -218°C, while its core can be as hot as 5100°C. About four rings have been observed around the planet Neptune which are Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite and Courage. The outermost ring of ‘Courage’. Scientists believe that Neptune’s magnetic field is 89 times stronger than Earth’s magnetic field. ‘Triton’ is the largest moon of Neptune. ‘Triton’ moon’s ground temperature can be as low as -235° so friends till now it was the last planet of our solar system but the solar system is not the end here. Pluto, located after Neptune, was previously considered a planet but is no longer considered a planet since 2006.

  After the planet Neptune is surrounded by a huge comet which we. Which we know as ‘Kuiper Belt’. Pluto is located in this giant reversal ring, along with many other mysterious objects. Next lies a giant cloud we call the ‘Oort Cloud’. This huge ‘Oort Cloud’ surrounds the sun and other planets throughout the solar system and ends here in our solar system. Out of this, the human-made ‘Voyager 1’ spacecraft has so far managed to leave.

  So friends this was a small detail of our solar system.

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