Learn about the history of computer invention?

Learn about the history of computer invention?

Today the whole world is running towards digitalisation. So today it is very important for a common person to have knowledge about computer. Otherwise you may fall behind the mainstream of society. Today we will discuss about the history of computer. Because to know about computer, first we need to know about the history of computer. But if we talk about the invention of computer, no single person can claim the invention of computer. Computers are the result of the combined efforts of many sciences over the ages. However, the principles and technologies applied by Charles Babbage to his computer in 1822 were followed by later scientists, so we are able to get such advanced computers. This is why we call Charles Babbage the Father of Computers. But he is not the father of computer. But many questions may arise in your mind.

  Where did the computer originate and what was the name of the first computer?

But let us inform you that the name of the world’s first computer is Abacus. It was first found in China. About five thousand eight years ago. There is much debate among many scientists about this. But the name of this inventor is still almost unknown. But the Chinese were the first to start using it. However, this instrument usually contained beads between wires inside a wooden or metal frame, and the numbers were counted by removing the beads by hand. These beads were usually added or subtracted by removing them. But the Japanese Rao used a device of this type. Which they named Sarovan. But it is not as popular as the abacus invented in China. And Abacus is the world’s first computer. But just after that in 1617 AD, another invention came up in the computer world which was discovered by a scientist named John Napier. And it was called Napier’s Bone. That is, it is named after the science. Like the abacus, it was also hand-operated. The ivory instrument had ten linear rods. It was used to multiply two large numbers.

What changes came in the world of technology in 1620 AD?

  But later in 1620 AD again a very big change came in the world of technology. It was called slide rule. But its inventor was William Otred. It was based on Napier’s principle. In this, multiplication and division could be squared. Subsequently, exactly 22 years after this discovery, a computer technology emerged in the world. It was called Pascal’s calculator and we also know it as Pascal calculator which was invented in 1642 AD. But it was discovered by the scientist Pascal. This is the world’s first calculator. It can divide the addition and subtraction of four rows of numbers. Later another computer was invented in 1671 AD. It was called Step Reckoner. It was discovered by Godfrey Leibniz. It was the first mechanical calculator. It could be used for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and square root. A new concept was brought to the computer world by jack ward loom which was invented in 1804 AD. And it was invented by Joseph Jacquard. The world’s first computer automated the first loom using punched cards. And after that came a big and innovative change in the computer world in 1822 AD. Which is being followed by the modern scientists of today’s era. You know exactly who I’m talking about since that time a new science was emerging.

  What was a new invention in the age of technology?

Computer age brought a new change in technology era which is called Charles Babbage i.e. father of computer. He first built a computer called the Difference Engine. It was the first computer that gave the idea of computer data storage. That is, this computer could store this information for the first time. Many tasks could be done simultaneously through computers. Computers could do all kinds of work together and do all kinds of math problems and squares and square roots. Later, he updated this computer and released a new computer which was called Analytical Engine. Which came in the market in 1833 AD. With the help of computers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and square root could be done accurately and very quickly. Another feature of this computer was that it could store data using punched cards. Also a new thing in this computer is that input process output concept was first implemented in this machine. However, due to the lack of equipment, it was not possible for Charles Babbage to complete the machine with the parts sheet of this machine. Then another computer was invented in 1990 AD. It was called Holarith’s Tabulator or Sensos Device. which was discovered by Hermann Halarith. The US census was taken using a type of punch card attached to this computer machine. With the help of punch cards, information was provided and stored. This machine was fully automatic i.e. it could do all its work by itself. And later a supercomputer was invented. Named Mark-1. It was invented in 1944 by Howard Aiken. This computer was invented based on the binary system. It shows the completion of Charles Babbage’s unfinished work. This is the first electronic mechanical computer. This innovative new computer brought a change in the world of technology in the world of computers. And it was a very popular computer at the time.

How was the new electronics discovered in the computer?

  Subsequently, in 1946, just 2 years after that, John Mockley and Presper Eckert. Invented a computer called Univac. And this computer was the world’s first fully electronic computer. And then Charles Babbage’s hands came to the market one after another new computer which brought a fundamental change in the world of computers. Computers are being used in various fields such as medicine, education, industry, etc. On the other hand, the United States Armed Forces across the Atlantic Ocean need to measure the speed of the missile to determine the cost of launching a shelter depending on the distance of the missile. This requires memorization of a relationship with distance. The benefits of which we are still enjoying, but I tried to present the complete history in the world of computers to you. I think that after reading this thing, you will surely find some benefit. I have shared with you today many unknown information about computers. So that another five people can learn something new from you.


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